Thursday, March 6, 2025

Time to Rediscover the Remedies That Built the Frontier

The Most Powerful Remedies We Lost to History

I know you are interested in the old ways of doing things and incorporating that into your life.

That's why I want you to be the first to know about this:

The Lost Frontier Handbook

You'll discover things like how to make "Frontier Morphine" - the non-addictive yet powerful remedy that kept Frontiersmen like Davy Crockett on the trail


The "make it and forget it" food that fueled the heroes of The Wild Frontier, because it almost never spoiled.

Or the Pocket Stew and the "Frontier Penicillin".

It's all inside.

mber 1866 Verdi wrote to Giovanni Ricordi, offering the Milan publisher the Italian rights, but insisting that the opera: must be performed in its entirety as it will be performed for the first time at the Paris Opéra. Don Carlos is an opera in five acts with ballet: if nevertheless the management of Italian theatres would like to pair it with a different ballet, this must be placed either before or after the uncut opera, never in the middle, following the barbarous custom of our day. However, the Italian translation was first performed not in Italy but in London at the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden on 4 June 1867, where it was produced and conducted by Michael Costa. However, it was not as Verdi desired; the opera was given in a cut and altered form, with the first act being removed, the ballet in Act 3 being omitted, and Carlo's aria Io la vidi (originally in Act 1) being moved to Act 3, just before the terzetto. Additionally, the duet between Philip and the Inquisitor was shortened by four lines, and Elisabeth's aria in Act 5 consisted only of part of the middle section and the reprise. The production was initially considered a success, and Verdi sent a congratulatory note to Costa. Later when he learned of the alterations, Verdi was greatly irritated, but Costa's version anticipated revisions Verdi himself would make a few years later in 1882–83. The Italian premiere on 27 October 1867 at the Teatro Comu



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BONUS: $100 DELTA AIRLINES Gift Card Opportunity

uction by Margaret Webster with Jussi Björling in the title role, Delia Rigal as Elizabeth, Robert Merrill as Rodrigo, Fedora Barbieri as Eboli, Cesare Siepi as Philip II and Jerome Hines as the Gra
nd Inquisitor. This version was performed there until 1972. The four-act version in Italian continued to be championed by conductors such as Herbert von Karajan (1978 audio rec
ording and 1986 video recording) and Riccardo Muti (1992 video recording). Also influential was a 1958 staging of the 1886 five-act "Modena version" in Italian by The Royal Opera company, Covent Garden, directed by Luchino Visconti and conducted by Carlo Maria Giulini. The cast included Jon Vickers as Don Carlo, Tito Gobbi as Rodrigo, Bori

s Christoff as King Phillip and Gré Brouwenstijn as Elizabeth. This version has increasingly been performed elsewhere and has been recorded by, among others, Georg Solti and Giulini. After the discovery of music cut before the premiere, conductors began performing five-act versions that included some of it. In 1973 at La Fenice, Georges Prêtre conducted a 5-act version in Italian without the ballet that included the discarded woodcutters scene, the first Carlo-Rodrigo duet in a hybrid beginning with the Paris edition but ending with the Milan revision, the discarded Elisabeth-Eboli duet from Act 4, and the Paris finale. In 1975, Charles Mackerras conducted an expanded and modified five-act version (with Verdi's orig

Thursday, February 27, 2025

DISAPPEARS in a few days

DISAPPEARS in a few days

I just found the weirdest fix for getting rid of nagging sciatica pain FAST.

And guess what:

It's probably HERE in your medicine cabinet or closet RIGHT NOW:

Over 14,832 people report their stubborn sciatica is GONE...

And hasn't returned either!

So if you've been stuck with unbearable back pain...
  • Making it difficult to get out of bed...
  • Put on a pair of pants...
  • And it's too painful to go for a short walk...

I think THIS is worth a look:

>> Discover the Secret to Vanishing Sciatica Pain in just a few short days!

Take care,
Natural Living Digest Research Team

ve taller and wider skulls, shorter snouts, and larger bodies relative to carnivorous and omnivorous reptiles. Increasing the strength of the skull allows for increased muscle presence and increases the ability of the skull to withstand stronger forces. Albino Iguana - Bred to be kept as a pet Green iguana skull (Iguana iguana).jpg: Brian Gratwicke derivative work: B kimmel (talk) Green iguana skull and teeth: The teeth of the green iguana sit on the surface of the jawbone, known as acrodontal placement. Simple phylogeny with Reptilia highlighted in green: Iguanians are within Lepidosauria. Furthermore, the teeth of the iguana are acrodontal, meaning that their teeth sit on top of the surface of the jaw bone and project upwards. The teeth themselves are small and serrated - designed to grasp and shear food. Reproduction Male iguanas, like other male examples of Squamata, have two hemipenes. During copulation, one hemipenis is inserted into the female's cloacal vent. A female can store sperm from previous mates for several years to continue to fertilize her eggs in case she finds no male within her territory when she is ready to lay again. Mating/courtship Iguanas tend to follow a promiscuous or polygynandrous mating style during the dry season. Mating during the dry season ensures that their offspring will hatch during the wet or rainy season when food will be m



Monday, February 24, 2025

Promotes heart health



used by the violence of explosive decompression, which can turn people and loose objects into projectiles. At least two confirmed cases have been documented of a person being blown through an airplane passenger window. The first occurred in 1973 when debris from an engine failure struck a window roughly midway in the fuselage. Despite efforts to pull the passenger back into the airplane, the occupant was forced entirely through the cabin window. The passenger's skeletal remains were eventually found by a construction crew, and were positively identified two years later. The second incident occurred on April 17, 2018, when a woman on Southwest Airlines Flight 1380 was partially blown through an airplane passenger window that had broken from a similar engine failure. Although the other passengers were able to pull her back inside, she later died from her injuries. In both incidents, the plane landed safely with the sole fatality being the person seated next to the window involved. According to NASA scientist Geoffrey A. Landis, the effect depends on the size of the hole, which can be expanded by debris that is blown through it; "it would take about 100 seconds for pre


Saturday, February 22, 2025

Lack this and risk total sciatic nerve decay

Is This The Number 1 Sign of Permanent Sciatic Nerve Pain?


When I was suffering from sciatic nerve pain myself, in my back and down my left leg, not only was I having to deal with searing pain.


But to make matters worse I was at risk of sciatic nerve decay and would be confined to a wheelchair.


That's because a little-known vitamin deficiency was eating away at the nerve down my legs making the pain so unbearable, I could barely walk


Harvard researchers are now blaming this vitamin deficiency as the top reason for crippling pain along the sciatic nerve.


But the good news is, there is 1 vitamin that can immediately replenish this deficiency and in many cases relieve the discomfort associated with it.


It was invented by a Nobel Prize Winning Scientist. And now Spine surgeons and other doctors all over the world have been recommending it to sciatic nerve pain sufferers.


The Sciatica Research Center made a free presentation on the effects of this vitamin and where you can get this vitamin if you live in the US.


=>WATCH: This vitamin kills sciatic nerve pain?




1360 Union Hill Rd, Alpharetta, GA, 30004.


Best vitamin for sciatic nerve pain?

Is This The Number 1 Sign of Permanent Sciatic Nerve Pain?


When I was suffering from sciatic nerve pain myself, in my back and down my left leg, not only was I having to deal with searing pain.


But to make matters worse I was at risk of sciatic nerve decay and would be confined to a wheelchair.


That's because a little-known vitamin deficiency was eating away at the nerve down my legs making the pain so unbearable, I could barely walk


Harvard researchers are now blaming this vitamin deficiency as the top reason for crippling pain along the sciatic nerve.


But the good news is, there is 1 vitamin that can immediately replenish this deficiency and in many cases relieve the discomfort associated with it.


It was invented by a Nobel Prize Winning Scientist. And now Spine surgeons and other doctors all over the world have been recommending it to sciatic nerve pain sufferers.


The Sciatica Research Center made a free presentation on the effects of this vitamin and where you can get this vitamin if you live in the US.


=>WATCH: This vitamin kills sciatic nerve pain?




1360 Union Hill Rd, Alpharetta, GA, 30004.


Ancient Andes Herb Restores Vitality

THIS 7 second virility hack that can increase performance and sex drive

While Western men struggle with rising rates of ED, there’s a remote region in the Andes where men in their 70s and 80s remain sexually active and full of vitality.

These men live at 14,000 feet above sea level, where they are known for their extraordinary stamina, strength, and reproductive health well into old age.

What’s their secret?

It lies in the unique herbs and plants native to the high-altitude environment of the Andes.

These resilient plants, growing in harsh conditions with intense sunlight and freezing temperatures, develop unparalleled concentrations of bioactive compounds.

For centuries, the Kallawaya, a group of indigenous healers in this region, have used these plants to create a powerful virility remedy that supports sexual health, and longevity.

And now you can experience the same benefits too.

tioning and operating company that is best known for stock car racing. It is considesuppercasedonkeyessentialclubred to be one of the top ranked motorsports organizations in the world and is one of the largest spectator sports leagues in America. The privately owned company was founded by Bill France Sr. in 1948, and his son, Jim Fr95891ance, has been the CEO since August 2018. The company is headquartered in Daytona Beach, Florida. Each year, NASCAR sanctions over 1,500 races at over 100 tracks in 48 US states, as well as in Canada, Mexico, Brazil and Europe. NASCAR, and stock car racing asfingerbrushcongressmanufacturingdivision a whole, traces its roots back to moonshine runners during Prohibition, who grew to compete against each other in a show of pride. This happened notably in North Carolina. In 1935, Bill France Sr. established races in Daytona Beach, with the hope that people would come to watch races and that racers would race for him, as other organizers tended to fleece the winners of their payouts. This was a 73371success, and the series was founded in 1948. Races were held in several divisions, which eventually morphed into what is the "ladder:" the Cup Series at the top, the fireplacemealgrandfatherrussiangooseXfinity Series second, and the Truck Series third, with smaller series spread out below. Chevrolet, Ford and Toyota compete in each series. The vast majority of NASCAR drivers are American, but drivers from Canada, Mexico, Europe, and other places have competed. All Cup Series races are held across A99696merica. There are 36 points-paying races in a season, along with the pre-season Clash and mid-season All-Star race. NASCAR runs races primarily on ovals, including superspeedforwardpleasurefoxelephantengineways, short tracks, and dirt tracks, but a


Friday, February 14, 2025

Give your body a cleanse while you sleep

nate's approval include members of the Cabinet, heads of most federal executive agencies, ambassadors, justices of the Supreme Court, and other federal judges. Under Article II, Section 2, of the Constitution, a large number of government appointments are subject to potential confirmation; however, Congress has passed legislation to authorize the appointment of many officials without the Senate's consent (usually, confirmation requirements are reserved for those officials with the most significant final decision-making authority). Typically, a nominee is the first subject to a hearing before a Senate committee. Thereafter, the nomination is considered by the full Senate. The majority of nominees are confirmed; however, in a small number of cases each year, Senate committees purposely fail to act on a nomination to block it. In addition, the president sometimes withdraws nominations when they appear unlikely to be confirmed. Because of this, outright rejections of nominees on the Senate floor are infrequent (there have been only nine Cabinet nominees reject



Give your body a cleanse while you sleep

nate's approval include members of the Cabinet, heads of most federal executive agencies, ambassadors, justices of the Supreme Court, and other federal judges. Under Article II, Section 2, of the Constitution, a large number of government appointments are subject to potential confirmation; however, Congress has passed legislation to authorize the appointment of many officials without the Senate's consent (usually, confirmation requirements are reserved for those officials with the most significant final decision-making authority). Typically, a nominee is the first subject to a hearing before a Senate committee. Thereafter, the nomination is considered by the full Senate. The majority of nominees are confirmed; however, in a small number of cases each year, Senate committees purposely fail to act on a nomination to block it. In addition, the president sometimes withdraws nominations when they appear unlikely to be confirmed. Because of this, outright rejections of nominees on the Senate floor are infrequent (there have been only nine Cabinet nominees reject



Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Build a stronger and younger body in as little as 30 days

Despite what you may have heard, you don't have to kill yourself at the gym to maintain your muscle mass. You don't have to lift weights 4 times a week. And you don't have to be so sore the next day that you can't move.

Now don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that you shouldn't exercise. What I am saying is that some people are exercising too hard.

Plus, they're starving themselves to get lean. And as a result, they're not getting enough protein in their diet to build muscle!

Others are doing the opposite: They're eating gobs of meat and drinking loads of protein shakes. The problem is that when you eat gobs of meat and drink loads of protein, you get a lot of extra calories that can make you fat.

But here's good news: There's an easier way to gain muscle mass without putting on fat. Click here to discover the secret.

Yours for better health and fitness,


P.S. If you'd like to discover one of the easiest ways to build muscle, click here.

bably due to increasingly low Nielsen ratings from being regarded as an anti-climax to the Super Bowl). With the new rule being that the conference teams do not include players from the teams that will be playing in the Super Bowl, the Pro Bowl then returned to Hawaii in 2011 but was again held during the week before the Super Bowl, where it remained for three more years. The 2012 game was met with criticism from fans and sports writers for the lack of quality play by the players. On October 24, 2012, NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell had second thoughts about the Pro Bowl, telling a Sirius XM show that if the players did not play more competitively [in the 2013 Pro Bowl], he was "not inclined to play it anymore". During the ensuing off-season, the NFL Players Association lobbied to keep the Pro Bowl, and negotiated several rule changes to be implemented for the 2014 game. Among them, the teams would no longer be AFC vs. NFC, and instead be selected by captains in a fantasy draft. For the 2014 game, Jerry Rice an