Hi there,
In the previous email I was telling you about how shocked I was when I discovered the potential that a common lemon has for deterring a spraying cat...
But in spite of this early success, I was also skeptical...
...skeptical that this could help me on the long run...
...given the fact that I had to repeat the process every three days or so
The truth is, I hate patchwork
And most certainly I didn't want to set up a calendar for refreshing my home with lemon juice two or three times a week
What I really wanted was a bullet-proof solution
Something permanent
So I started looking for other options that could work with what I had
Then suddenly several days later I struck gold...
You see, a cat keeps her "catliness" very close to her "cleanliness"
In other words, she won’t eat near a spray-affected area
And that's because any habit, however strong it may be, cannot override the cat's physiology
Fortunately, it is this very thing that brought me closer to finding the solution that I needed Talk soon,

In the previous email I was telling you about how shocked I was when I discovered the potential that a common lemon has for deterring a spraying cat...
But in spite of this early success, I was also skeptical...
...skeptical that this could help me on the long run...
...given the fact that I had to repeat the process every three days or so
The truth is, I hate patchwork
And most certainly I didn't want to set up a calendar for refreshing my home with lemon juice two or three times a week
What I really wanted was a bullet-proof solution
Something permanent
So I started looking for other options that could work with what I had
Then suddenly several days later I struck gold...
You see, a cat keeps her "catliness" very close to her "cleanliness"
In other words, she won’t eat near a spray-affected area
And that's because any habit, however strong it may be, cannot override the cat's physiology
Fortunately, it is this very thing that brought me closer to finding the solution that I needed Talk soon,
vices Australia Ltd v Australian National University (2009) 239 CLR 175 (Aon v ANU) is a decision by the High Court of Australia (High Court). After a bushfire destroyed property and equipment at the Australian National University's (ANU) Mount Stromlo campus near Canberra, the university lodged an insurance claim. After its insurers disputed the claim on various grounds, ANU commenced legal proceedings against them, later adding its insurance broker, Aon, to the proceedings, arguing it had been negligent in placing the insurance policies. After settling with the insurers, ANU was granted the right to amend their case against Aon. Aon challenged the decision to allow this amendment in the High Court. The High Court confirmed that the right for a party in a court case would not be granted sheerly because an amendment raises an arguable issue, but only according to the principles of effectively managing legal cases to justly resolve the issues between the parties. Aon v ANU reversed the previous decision of Queensland v JL Holdings which had held the most important consideration when assessing such a request was the consideration of justice, and that any inconvenience to the other party was curable by awarding costs against the am
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