Is Your Toothbrush Putting Your Health at Risk?
Your Toothbrush Is Dirtier Than You Think:
Stop Germs Before They Reach Your Mouth
Stop Germs Before They Reach Your Mouth
Close-up Of The Bacteria On Your Toothbrush
Did you know your toothbrush could be as filthy as your toilet seat?
It can harbor MILLIONS of germs, like E.coli and Staphylococcus that thrive in your damp bathroom.
Your Health Could Be At Risk! 
It can harbor MILLIONS of germs, like E.coli and Staphylococcus that thrive in your damp bathroom.
strate. Among these sites is the cave of Gran Dolina, where six hominin skeletons, dated between 780,000 and one million years ago, were found in 1994. Experts have debated whether these skeletons belong to the species Homo erectus, Homo heidelbergensis, or a new species called Homo antecessor. Around 200,000 BP, during the Lower Paleolithic period, Neanderthals first entered the Iberian Peninsula. Around 70,000 BP, during the Middle Paleolithic period, the last glacial event began and the Neanderthal Mousterian culture was established. Around 37,000 BP, during the Upper Paleolithic, the Neanderthal Châtelperronian cultural period began. Emanating from Southern France, this culture extended into the north of the peninsula. It continued to exist until around 30,000 BP, when Neanderthal man faced extinction. About 40,000 years ago, anatomically modern humans entered the Iberian Peninsula from across the Pyrenees. On the Iberian Peninsula, modern humans developed a series of different cultures, such as the Aurignacian, Gravettian, Solutrean and Magdalenian cultures, some of them characterized by the complex forms of the art of the Upper Paleolithic. Neolithic During the Neolithic expansion, various megalithic cultures developed in the Iberian Penin
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